Things fall apart , so that other things can fall together .
Things fall apart , so that other things can fall together .
Screams |
Saturday, August 29, 2009
oh,i've found a nicer place . OnSugar . i will be using tht frm nw on . unless i get frustrated w/ it & decide to change back . haven't really figured hw to use it yet, but i'll get th hang of it . well, goodbye blogger .
Hi nincompoops,
decided to get rid of my music, cause i realized tht people usually stop it frm playing . aww, hahah . alright[: , shall update fr th whole of yesterday, abit of today & abit of my upcoming stuff . i think it'll be a rather long post, with me blabbering like this. okay, Yesterday : had chest pain & muscle ache . horrible start . Was really late . everyone was at th hall alr . oh, mdm wong tripped over some guy, epic . received th class tee, nt really wht i imagined . but it's alright . haah, but sth bothers me . - th bee . ): why does it have a mouth !? anyway, went fr PE . did th dance . not bad, but mr harrie's ideas are lame & he wants us to do it . wow, we're gonna make a fool of ourselves . oh well, shall be humiliated as a class then . thn had science, was boring . ms ang went through wrkbook, just did some while she was going through . mdm tham took our books & didn't return ! hw responsible of her . thn ms ang sucked up our recess time, by discussing th cards fr our teachers, which pissed most of us off . anyway, jaslyn & i are making fr mdm tham . okays, thn had recess . i think my stomach has sth against mixed rice food, everytime i eat it , i get an upset stomach . oh, thn was history, but mdm wong changed it to english cause we were badly behaved ? thn was mother tongue . got caught fr copying . fuck myself . thn had to write 20 of each word/phrase/paragraph . so total wld be like a 100 words/phrase/paragraphs . thn was english . didn't pay attention .. thn went to find deanna & zhiyin . & huilin came along :D thn had lunch , had mixed rice again . yes, i got an upset stomach aft tht but who cares . thn went to see if xuanlin was dancing but no, huilin had no time either . rushed to spottishwoode fr match, & good heavens they came late . but they { th small guys } are damn cute :DDDDDD i lost all -.- i lost th worst, to a plump but cute guy . william seah , lols ! looks are deceiving . oh well, thn coach was nice enough to give us chocolates ! whooo . thn played awhile befre heading to 7-eleven , planned wht to bring on tuesday & stuffs . thn went outram with zhiyin , thn to sengkang - alone . thn had carrot cake fr dinner , lols . mom picked me up & went to church . was prayer night . they prayed fr a very very very long long long long long time . almost fell asleep . kor, lucky you didn't come . if you did, i think you would be grumbling/sleeping while they prayed . hahah ! thn went with mentor fr further praying . lols . thn went & chatted with ruth . :D we made a pact to have dinner together on next next friday . & perhaps th following one too . idk . & shermaine got m&ms , i was stuffing them into my mouth cause i had to go alr . hahah , she said i ate like some glutton but i don't care . it's chocolate :D then went home, bathed, phoned, slept . (: Today , & some of next week : lols, okay . woke up rather early , parents made alot of noise . wtf -.- oh, freshened up & went downstairs fr breakfast . thn went to tuition , was fun . will be going fr guitar class later & idk , maybe dinner with my mom - agaain . well , monday , i'll be going back to primary school . & tuesday , east coast fr training . omg , k . shall have ample rest . brother's coming home tml morning . like 5am . so have to sleep early tonight . :D will pick him frm airport tml . tiring . T.T ohh people , please please please please please please please please please please please please , come to my church this friday :D Labels: oh-so tired Thursday, August 27, 2009
alright !today sure was fun . well, morning wasnt' really fantastic, it was stressful . fuck e-learning . i didn't understand a damn thing, & had to do it . well, didn't do much anyway . ohh, thn went to find huilin in schl . headed off to mac & had lunch . filet-o-fish :D thn while walking to huilin's hse, saw xuanlin . she didn't see us, lols ! thn we bend down and walk . like some pervert . cause there were people in front of us . haah . thn while waiting fr huilin, i was taking letters out of people's mailbox . was damn easy, haha . thn, went back to mac & had ice-creaaaam ! hot fudge ! huilin had cornetto . xuanlin had filet-o-fish like me, & zhiyin had mcflurry . joked arnd, thn went library . saw carrissa . {sp?} missed her . haha . thn read some kid book & thn went t find chicken soup fr th soul . but found some humour book instead . funny stuff . haaah , thn met deanna . :D huilin, saw her brother . thn her brother run away frm her sia . lols ! thn headed fr training . wahh, damn tiring . T.T thn took bus, go home :D saw yi rui :0 ! okay, finale . Happy Birthday Blur . (: yes, i'll get you your present as soon as possible . no worries . sian, father don't allow me go chalet . fuck sia . ): Labels: crappy e-learning Wednesday, August 26, 2009
alright, i soo love today !well, first . i shall give a shoutout to Jaslyn, my laopo . Get well soon alrights ?(: Must come on friday uhs ! okays, today was th definition of awesome-ness . rained in th morning . went t schl with ♥ . thn had math, which was boring . she went on & on, almst fell asleep . thn had free period, goofed around . haah . had recess & thn, was history . went to ITR 1 & flung bits of erasers t th ladies in th front . well, mdm wong saw th mess & we had t clean it up again . but was fun, & they put pepper on sharlene's hair . well, it's called an experiment . if she still has th pepper on her hair tml, it means tht she doesn't wash her hair . omg gross . :x ohh, thn was chinese . slacked . th relief teacher was fcked up . thn in between, while waiting fr mdm tham, went t disturb yong gay . & don't knw who, kicked th waste paper basket . when mdm tham came in, she freaked . haha ! funny expression she had . thn was made to stand, because i was slow to stand when we were supposed to greet her . wtf ? but sat down anyway, & she didn't notice . thn asked her about our workbook, she claims to not have it . wth ? i mean, a teacher losing her student's books . ain't tht a joke . so went up, couldn't find it anyway . so went back . thn had CE . played jaslyn's guitar . whoo, i learnt the great escape - boys like girls . fun !, thn went friendship group . & went with huilin, cheerful-lover . i love her ! we made a pact to save together . went anchor & ikea . had a talk . seems that, we have loads of things in common ! enjoyed today very much . shall play my guitar now , tata ! :D Labels: ikea's hotdogs Tuesday, August 25, 2009
it's been quite a day .lessons were boring , i wouldn't elaborate . almost slept . luyi sabotaged me , only me . wth . i knw you love your girlfriend, but small thing still tell teacher . you want just scold me lah, see teacher very mah fan one you knw ? don't knw ? thn just shut up . == you're such a bigmouth fr a guy . go & drown yourself . anyway, had to clean up th mess . mdm wong suddenly barged in during art class, which was an awesome timing . art class is getting boring . so, went back class to slack after cleaning up . how nice of chenwei & pearl to help me take my stuff :D thank you ! oh, brendan & edwin were sleeping in class . miss ho suddenly came in, & we were like stunned ? lols , whatever . thn had math , obviously . math is such a bore . think so much , oh my ass . learnt percentage, had homework . thn went to find zhiyin . had candlelit lunch :D hahahs ! how romantic . then went to ntuc to buy m&ms . zhiyin saw kinder joy & she started singing !? lols ! very funny sia . i queued like 10mins, ohmyass -.- thn went back , & saw rena , huilin & deanna :D went to training . zhiyin & i pretended th bus was a rollercoaster , thn made funny poses O.O haha . aft training , went home . whoo , not bad huh . Labels: carrot juice (: Monday, August 24, 2009
![]() morning , went t school with ♥ . thn had assembly blahblah . i'm oh-so guai today :D i brought name tag & tie . & of course , book . thn blahblah, first period - math . wah , naggy maanxzc . got our test back, i failed . ms ho was like, contradicting ? first, she said - i'm a very nice teacher who wants to pass all of you, so i gave marks fr th wrong workings, but in th overall i will deduct marks . it was like, th stupidest thing i've ever heard ? it's adding & subtracting th same pathetic mark which results in th exact same figure, which alr was befre she even did change it . well, thn she said - i'm a very strict marker, so i shall nt accept even this answer { which was in th answer sheet ! }, i shall only accept jonathan's answer . oh, so now jonathan's th answer sheet . it's so fucking contradictory . mdm tham thn came barging in, with a pile of books & lamely announced tht we had t hand in our work . lols . thn miss ho was like, rushing us to finish our corrections . but we can't cause she was going so freaking fast & we didn't even have time, to glance at it . She was already on th next question . Took occasional glances out th window, saw mr chia walk past with his usual epic face . haha . ms ho used th word, idiotic today . i think it's her favourite word ? but she doesn't knw who's th definition of idiotic, does she ? oh, she brought up teachers' day celebration . seems tht she wants presents ? idk , haha ! seems tht she'll be taking 3 days off in sept . perhaps she needs a break from us & vice versa . but, we have t go bck during th hols fr remedial . aww maan . == well, thn had CE . omg was like nagging period . had english test results . aren't i a sucker ? practically flunked all my tests very nicely . okays, thn had recess followed by science . which was boring as usual . finished th whole chapter on acid and don't knw wht . lols ! thn had mother tongue . th two periods seemed t go by very quickly , haah . alright , thn had assembly . & went dawson with jaslyn :D had langsana { sp ? } & went bck fr CCM at 3pm . teacher went on blabbering, weiyan did some funny expression on his face . LOLS ! was more of pervertic . thn went computer lab fr recording, but didn't do it cause it was oh-so embarrassing . pon-ed th last half an hour with HUNNEY ;D i love her ! had maltesers feast with her . hehe ! enjoyed ourselves . thn ♥ sent me home . (: ![]() Labels: jeez . Sunday, August 23, 2009
okay ,HIHIHIHIHI . today is th definition of awesome ! but first , sorry huilin ! i bought my shoes alr D: SORREH ! ACTUALLY WANTED TO BUY SAME AS YOURS . VERY SORRY ! ]: okay , woke up late . mom practically had to drag me . bathed , got ready , went to church . thn had songs , games , lesson . our group organized th games , well paul did . thn lesson by victor . ohmyma , so cheem . thn went compass , had kfc with shermaine . - agaain ! i'm going to have health problems if i keep this up . okay , thn went to find robbie , isaac , neal , jonathan , etc ! thn had mcflurry . i keep snatching isaac's money away . damn easy . he has butter fingers ! okays , thn went back to church . halfway , everyone alighted . except isaac and neal ? LOLS ! thn walked back to church . thn watched them play soccer & badminton . while shermaine and i played robbie's iphone . lols . thanks ha . thn went amk hub . i bought badminton shoes ! hah ! they have signs of navy blue . match my school uniform :D yay ! also bought hair - bands ? i meant bands to tir your hair & not th thing that goes on your head . lols , got one is grey squiggly . hah ! shermaine & i samesame :D went home , had dinner . now using com :D whee ! lols . okays , i made two gans . -------- Sherwin - Blur { !? } Nigel - kor love them :D { but love somebody mre luhs . haha :x lols . hi ! hahah . alright , tag replies :D Alicia : haha ! alright , i don't mind :D & hansel say one ! not me . Alinaho : lols ! my posts are nt funny , love . haha ! see you ! Deanna : okays ! but idk her , haha ! ltr she ask , why i anyhw rape a stranger :0 ! Leona : HI ! HAHA ! :DD why like to drag my name ? lols . (x okay , nw fr my finale . please stop harassing jaslyn can ? anyhw say her smre . talk so much . you think you very shuai uh ? pui uh , & hello ? is YOU ask her fr stead , nt she ask you . so , if you can't handle rejection , why ask in th first place ? tht time she go vivo with you , she damn laokui you knw ? & always tell her , your friend say . you no backbone ah ? everytime must your friend help you say . don't knw hw to ownself say ? please man , be honoured tht she's even talking to you . alright , shall say no mre . Go try burn some fats , girls prefer skinny guys . chloe :D omg , i'm such a bitch ? == Labels: love my gans :D Saturday, August 22, 2009
alright , going to post fr two days .just woke up ! :0 -------------- Friday ; woke up early ! but had breakfast slowly , so in th end was quite late as usual . == haah , thn had PE ! omg , you have no idea how much i hate it . lols , okay just kidding . i like PE . but aces day dance is difficult , they want me do helicopter !? & i don't think i can !? okays , thn had science . TEST AGAIN ! wth , stress sia , i didn't prepare fr it , as usual . lols . had recess , thn history . went t ITR 1 , thn mdm wong was droning on while we were talking among ourselves ? hahah , funny scene . thn she was talking about some historian , so it went like this . Mdm Wong : " Who died in th end ? " Hansel : " PIKACHU ! " lols , == thn was mother tongue . went ITR 2 , hahah . funny stuff . thn was quite slack , cause nth t do . jsut listen to tcher talk . thn went back to class fr english , someone wrecked th tcher's table . mdm wong got really mad . & she shouted like some crazy person . everyone was stunned o.o but it subsided . & mdm wong announced tht weiyan touched pearl's boobs . HAHA EPIC . thn went to find deanna & xuanlin . there was another girl , mavis ? lols , she talks like some lecturer . - cheem english . okays , thn saw rena & hwee ying . smacked both their asses successfully . { & many times . haah ! & they only get to hit mine like 3 times ? :P thn huilin came :D headed off to Bukit Merah int . , thn took bus to spottishwoode park . had prata ! omg nice . i had one cheese prata , one plain . people , you all shld go thr . thn we were super early ! crapped around , { who want see my unglam photo , go xuanlin's blog . lols ! she didn't even post it . haah . but we had fun . huilin & xuanlin went around raping !? there were videos . haah , but they ain't with me . slacked on carpark floor ? haha ! thn coach arrived . he did palm reading fr us ? lols , i frgt about mine alr . == within 5 mins ! haha , stm alright . thn had training , fun sia . first did lifting , thn did - squat , jump & whack , run to front , net . many many times , omg my legs ! haha , thn went mt faber fr marking . coach russell's car damn cool sia ! but he drive very scary . second group thr , went henderson wave to run th whole bridge . thn went back , had match with simone & deanna . thn went outram mrt with simone :D thn saw coach , { not coach russell } on mrt . o.o thn dropped at sengkang , went compass to have dinner . mom picked me up , went t church . lesson was on honesty . wow , it sure hit a nerve . haha , was guilty == anyway , slacked with shermaine :D aft tht . went home . { yes i bathed ! } ------------------ Today ; will be going to tuition later . whoo ! lols , thn guitar at 4pm . thn i have no idea wht i'm going to do . well , hope huilin can go church today :D
alright , done ! Labels: i love trainings Thursday, August 20, 2009
whee !today was fun (: i was early today , yeah baby ! :D thn didn't bring name tag uhs . & nw i can't find it . aren't i awesome ? thn had music . but was replaced with a survey . thn there was this part , where you have t write an email / blog entry about your class . lols , jaslyn just put , " i love my class . " hahahs , thn th relief teacher go ask her , " can i see your paper ? " thn i was laughing like crazy . well , thn had literature . test agaain ! i seriously think it's very stressful nowadays . well , had recess , thn D & T . omg another test . -.- thn was chinese , followed by english . wow , went mdm wong went off , all hell broke lose maan . were screaming & stuff . danced with jaslyn !? hahahs . she forced me to ): ; I WAS FORCED ! thn went tiong with jaslyn :D had kfc agaain ! ultimate fans aren't we ? saw leona & liang le :D haahs ! i think leona rebonded her hair !? o.o ohh thn went arnd , nt really funny today ): didn't see any weird little boys who want my racket . ]: aww ! well , had ice-cream . thn went fr training , was early !(: thn training , was fun ! paired with xuanlin fr doubles :D thn went home . rena's dad was nice enough t give me a lift . haahs ! thn had dinner , bathed , studied , got nagged by my fucking parents , computer :D ohh , hunney & i confessed our secrets . heh :x felt oh-so awesome after telling her . ain't going t let it out :P we both PROMISED ! hehs . lovediehunney<3 Labels: pinkie swear :D Wednesday, August 19, 2009
gosh .today was indeed stressful . well , first . shall start th day . woke up late , as usual . rushed , reached school just in time . didn't bring name tag to morning assembly because i had no time to look fr it . well , ms ang didn't say much . but her eyes are really sharp . well , had math first . was a test on area and perimeter . omg , almost died . it was really difficult . thn fooled arnd fr last few minutes , doesn't make a difference alright . thn was english , had grammar test . i was like , shit son . didn't knw my english deteriorated so much . thn was recess , mixed stuff into pearl's drink . haha , & she was awfully shocked . well , thn had history . alicia & mahirah slept maanxzc . it's no wonder , mdm wong jsut droned on & on .. i could jolly well have slept too . but was laughing too much with jaslyn :D & copied chinese during th last few minutes . wow , aren't i a pro ? got it done . so followed by chinese , had to stand cause was late fr a few minutes . got my results fr test , won jaslyn :D YES ! haha . cause she ehem , while i didn't . 64/100 . considered good fr me ler . i thought i wld fail & get 20+ . well , happy ending ? haha ! , nah . ): thn was science . mdm tham , gave us another test . yes , there were a total of 3 tests today . ain't tht stressful ? i can confirm , tht i'd flunk this test . someone got caught fr cheating :0 shall not conceal tht person's name . haah , mdm wong clever uh . thn went fr friendship group , & met jaslyn at dawson aft tht . had lunch , well ., i had desert only . cause pretty much full already . & went fr math ., miss ho didn't realize we were late :0 yeah baby ! hahahs !(; thn had presentation . wow ., sure was long . thn sent gin home & went home myself . i'm gin's boyfriend fr today :D haah ! Labels: bus ride home was fun Tuesday, August 18, 2009
muahahahah .ok first , i find someone an eyesore . cause he/she act until , omg lah . - disgusting !? rawr , okay enough about tht person . today , woke up early ! got to school , on time (: mdm tham's lesson was like some fck maan . can sleep .. shared oreos with laopo & lollipop :D i blow bubbles in class , tio caught by mr imran . wah , damn lucky lah . == thn mdm wong , today moodswing agaain ! suddenly bombarded us w/ formal letter . cause she said we were too noisy whn we haven't even started chatting . whatthefcuk . thn recess , managed to chiong th letter on time . well , maybe 5mins extra . what th heck , make us write letter of compliment to a taxi driver . lols , how much can you write !? & she wanted 150 - 200 words . well , not impossible but brain-wrecking . thn had recess followed by some shitty history test which i hadn't paid attention at all to . thn slept luhs , as always , fr every test . rawr , but today woke up on time :D wheee ! thn was art , was late cause went toilet . so , had to stand outside . wht th heck , thn fooled around . hahah , go staircase there and make newspaper fan :D fr two whole periods , shiok sia . thn math , omg . - vomits blood - can die sia , stressful . ask anyone in 1B , who loves math period ? answer : majority = NO . i hate it sia , everytime think of math , tio headache . during last few parts of lesson , gave lots of notes to lollipop :D she was like , wth ! lols . thn gave her a card , inside got heart . :D after tht , went tiong with jaslyn . omg , had kfc fr lunch . thn went around . saw one small boy in th toilet . OMG HE DAMN CUTE LAH . but then , he beat jaslyn & me . wth . i nvr do anything to him . but he still very cute . :DDDD thn he saw my racket ! & he wanted to take it . thn of course i don't let lah . later he anyhow thn my racket bend . thn he damn strong sia . thn we run . THEN THAT JASLYN PURPOSELY GO BACK DISIAO . omg , run again . haha . thn went to have youghurt ice-cream with oreos . (: i love it . thn went 7-eleven . thn saw one primary school boy , i think p5 / p6 . thn jaslyn go say : " eh boy " { she really want find taiji sia == thn he so fierce sia ! we both chuah tio . he reply : " WHAT LA . " omg , hahah . thn went to badminton training . :D beep test , huilin & i sameeee :D YAY , HIGH-FIVE CHEERFUL-LOVER . I LOVE CHEERFUL -LOVER . & LOVE { deanna } , xuanlin , rena , hweeying , etc . { ps , lazy ;x thn went t carpark to do physical , ohmyma lah . thn went back up to do footwork . leg was trembling aft tht . hoho . but today was fun . :D then went 7-eleven agaain , buy drink . bus-ed home :D XUANLIN GIVING ME NICE FOOD TML HAHA . { cause idk wht food she giving me . == i love die her ;DD & I HOPE SHE GET A1 FR HER F&N TML ;D --------------- now fr th lame part :D i was fooling around with my breadou . :D aww , i'm dirty . i had better take a bath .. - inserts wide smile - all better ! phew . ohh , how relaxing ~ ^^ whoops ! Labels: wow pathetic Monday, August 17, 2009
first .HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANGHUI ;D okay . today was damn fun . lollipop & i threw paper balls at each other :D FUNNY SIA . pearl's aiming damn zhun . thn my aiming like some shit . lols . thn she throw alot of me . i collect all & pelted her with paper balls at one go . :D thn th rest of th day very boring liao . NO CCM , OMG DAMN HAPPY haha . homed with gin :D Labels: i brought breadou to school(: Sunday, August 16, 2009
hi . [:today , woke up early . cause father woke me up to ask a stupid question . wtf, thn bathed . got ready . went to church . slept late last night , so this morning was damn tired T.T thn had headache & felt like vomiting sia . i was like , afraid i wld vomit in class . but didn't :D , felt better after that . thn had lessons & stuff , game wasn't nice at all . ]: was some quiz & was mixed up . anyway , had skit too . funny . hahah . wasn't in it [: YAY ME ! - clapsclaps - thn went compass with shermaine :D had kfc in th end , agaain ! wah , i knw . sian . but had chicken [: two pieces . very funny sia . shermaine : erm . can i have th two piece chicken meal . & i want th breast meat . thanks . LOL lah . he was weird . but i got thigh in th end . much nicer than breast meat :D hahah ! in your face , shermaine sim ! anyway , went arcade , played th candy machine thing agaain . :D i love that thingy ! thn got many sweets . haha . robbie let us use his card :D thanks ! thn went bck fr spend time . quite short uh [: wheee ! haha . thn went back church , fooled around in th bus . o.o robbie's iphone have a lot of cute games :DDDD I LIKE ! haha , thn went 2nd lvl chui air-con . shiok wor . thn went upstairs to play badminton awhile . thn 3plus , went with neal , isaac , jonathan to spc . thn take bus to compass . no , not jonathan lo th white chicken . LOL . on th way , isaac went home luhs . oh , thn timothy called . hahah , funny . jonathan go scare him . thn took bus with to bedok with them . thn saw mentor on th way , SHE TOTALLY DIDN'T SEE ME LA . lols . thn trained home . damn long ride sia . but today was fun overall . :D Labels: freaking CCM go die ): Saturday, August 15, 2009
dear blog ,i must always rmb ytd . haah , it's special :D i love ytd :D i had so much fun . never felt that happy fr a long time . 140809 . alright , today i woke up early ! very early for a weekend morning - 7.36am . someone was very early too . haha . [: then went mac , had hotcakes . I LIKE . haven't had it fr a long long time . thn thr was this kid , very cute girl . i think she's around seven years old . omg , she came & sit with me :D i was damn happy , hahah . don't knw whr her parents went . fed her my hashbrown , yeah . crazy . omg , she's oh-so cute ! later people think i her sister . haha . (: bought m&ms at seven-eleven . rawr , milk chocolate rocks . thn went tuition , there were two new students . cool , haha . i offered them my m&ms :D thn , went back home . saw GB officers and everyone on th way . but father was in bad mood , so didn't stop to chat . later going guitar . Grade 1A (: i hope it isn't too difficult . ;/ after tht , going ion to buy havanias . mine broke remember ? rawr , i have no idea wht color to buy . mom says no criss cross pattern D: , sorry chloe ong . hope tml's fun & mom won't nag like a piece of shit . (: Labels: the distance in your eyes Friday, August 14, 2009
hello .:D today rocks . slept during chinese test . lols . i'm damn happy tht today , we don't have certain subjects . :D ohh , & ducky came to tell story . wtf . boring shit . almost slept sia . thn went vivo . had lunch at subway . with deanna , huilin & xuanlin :D love them to the max ! thn go toilet . wah very funny . start taking pics . thn crapped abit . thn walked around aimlessly . lols . anyhow walk sia . thn huilin went home , we went training . whee . today was damn fun . I LOVE TRAINING . :D thn homed . mom sucks sia . last min say donwan go church . make me rush home fr nth . D: at least now i not so bored lah . hahah . got people to chat with :D Thursday, August 13, 2009
walao , damn pekchek today /first thing when i got home , i got nagged . well , lectured . fuck sia . table abit messy also want kaopei . well , today . sucks . eggs . attire check , i looked so fucking toot . lols . thn was chionging maths all th way . omg lah . literature test , i can fail alr . math also . barely made it through th day maanxzc . all th hmwk i nvr do . T.T regret . hahah . yesterday was stressed like hell . i think i drop alot hair . hahha , jk . ;x thn aft schl , went badminton . I LOVE MR SAIRI'S CAR . ;DDDDD wheee , & his music damn funny . okay , erm . -unique . :D thn training was fun ! i love training maanxzc . but not physical . physical sucks . home-d w/ rena . hais , tml chinese test . confirm you , fail alr . don't need study :D today is anti-hmwk day , because i chionged all yesterday . wheee . & i don't give a damn anymore . lols , alright , tag replies . (: -------------------------- // ![]() sixian : stress... haizzzzzz sixian : so much stress...... I agree wif u!!! me : haha , yeah . chenwei : CHILL MAN. SAME HERE== WOAH GOSH STILL CHIONGING WORK -.- me : alright :D & i was chionging too . hahha . wah , most horrible experience ever . jaslyn : Hi . lols tagged (: me : hihi :D lols . crazeh ! leona : chloe! tag wid loves! (: stay happy n pretty! (: me : leona ! lols . thanks & nah , ain't pretty ): you more kay (: cassandra : hellos(: taqq(: cassandra : lol relink anw(: me : alright , erm , link ? haha . xuanlin : sec 1 is stress, but sec 2 aint fun . Stay Strong, Hold On, Dont Give Up ![]() me : LOLS . okay okay :D thanks yaw . // alright , done ! :D Wednesday, August 12, 2009
my hands are trembling .my brain is aching . i can't think no more . & i still have a lot , A LOT , more to do . i just need t vent out my frustrations . like wtf , so much hmwk . nah , not only math , there are other subjects . but , math has th most . & always have to hand in th next day . come'on man . THE NEXT DAY ? CCA ENDS AT 6PLUS . BY TH TIME I REACH HOME , ABOUT 7 . I AM WORN OUT , I TAKE A BATH , HAVE DINNER . I DO HOMEWORK , BUT I CAN'T FINISH . REALLY TIRED , SO I GO TO SLEEP , IN HOPE OF WAKING UP EARLY . BUT THE NEXT DAY , I WAKE UP LATE . STH CROPS UP . I CAN'T DO THE HOMEWORK . WHAT ARE WE STUDENTS SUPPOSED TO SAY ? " oh , i forgot to do it . " / " i didn't do it . " / " i forgot to bring it . " SO YOU THINK IT'S THAT EASY ? i tell you , we all die before exams alr .
hi .
today wasn't pleasant . it was horrible . D: got up quite late . but reached a little earlier :D having hair check tml . shall dress like some nerd . math was first period . i had NEVER been so scared in my life okay . reason ? - never do homework cause left workbook in class , no time , damn tired , forgot . whatthefuckk . thn today give smre . omg lah . your mama lah , so much homework sia . plus th assignment which i haven't figured out at all ! those who didn't bring text had t stand outside sia . heng i brought . thn CE . had early recess . had western . wanted t chiong math , but saw th guitar . yes , i get distracted easily . thn history . omg my ma , copied alot . th explanation sibei long la . thn chinese , at least nvr tio kaopei . :D thn mdm tham lesson . omg i tell you ah . she damn naggy today . thn was CE . had early lunch :D mdm wong is nice today . thn went museum . was scary kay . the statues & all . wah siao lah . went w/ chenwei to retrieve her wallet . she left it on th bus . :0 heng got it back . th uncle damn honest sia . nvr take th money . thn went back . was damn tired . chionging hmwk now . hope can finish before 11pm . D: lucky got someone pei me :D Labels: i swear ., i'll break your brains Tuesday, August 11, 2009
okay , today is damn funny .well , shall start with , i only had a few hours of sleep . EYEBAGS ! nah , lols. Was almost late for school , agaain . i was th ONLY one , with a bag . wth . lols , & one more minute , i could have been late :0 thn had mdm tham's lesson first . wah , stress . thn was CE . nothing much . jonathan's group's skit , was uhh . complicated , & i didn't pay attention . :D had early recess . thn jaslyn purposely disiao sharlene . omg funny . thn she freaked cause her hair touched sharlene's FACE . omg , i wld freak too . thn yong qiang siao one . suddenly got mood swing or sth , thn chased after gin . haah . funny stuff . thn weiyan also damn funny . mahirah tried t kiss him !? but fake one luh . he go complain t tcher sia . eh , got chiobu want kiss you , complain t tcher . dumb or what . jk ;x thn history , took down notes like crazy ! mdm pk suddenly went very fast . don't understand some parts . but nvm , ownself read . lols . thn was art . didn't bring alluminium foil . thn had t catch up on last time's work . note tht it was last time , & not last week . lols , supposed t hand in like , a month ago !? nvm , lols . thn all th newspaper fly to me D: i just anyhow push . in th end , behind me all covered w/ newspaper . :D th worst , math . cause forgot to do hmwk , thn proj was like , f-up . didn't have th figures , pristine went w/ church mates , so cldn't meet up . argh , tio kaopei by ms ho . was told to work harder . omg , i think impossible . == no interest in studies sia . hahah . thn had lunch w/ jaslyn :D i got slashed by name tag & th scar now looks damn cool . lols . thn met with huilin & deanna , at dawson . went back t school . on th phone , i heard huilin was angry . but actually was hungry . omg , my ears got problem . haah . thn met hweeying & rena . changed & saw caroline , zhiyin , emmeline , simone . went together to spottishwoode park . i will never forget that place , cause deanna & i got it wrong th other time . thn training was physical . wahh , can die . thn went 7-eleven fr drinks and sandwiches . :D rena & i took 166 . guess what ? it made a loop & went til vivo . i was like , RENA , OMG , IS THAT VIVO !? funny luhs , thn went to AYE , & stuff . thn finally , turned to dover mrt there . thn rena msg-ed her mom , tht she took th wrong bus & will be late . & guess what !? her mom replied , " enjoy your ride . " LOLS . ohh , never EVER take that damn bus . go fairfield that side sia . thn walked home :D was like 8pm sia . { tomorrow , going some museum . Hope it'll be fun :D Labels: lols . Monday, August 10, 2009
ohmygosh .okay . today is a really really really boring day alright . other than studying , msging , computer . there is nothing . computer also nothing . only entertainment i get , is chatting w/ owner . { see , your damn name right here . :D but now , since he's sleeping like some pig , i'm more bored than ever . rawr , people say , when you're bored , just post . but , i have nothing to post D: hmm , i gotta find stuff fr me to do . like , hmwk ! but since i don't have th figures , i can't do it . damn me . i don't wanna go to school . i don't like school . cause my friends are too complicated to understand . one moment they are best of friends with you , th next , they talk about you behind your back . nah , this ain't about her . it's about someone else . maybe i'm th freaking person who's ruined all of your lives . you said i've changed . but , th one who's really changed , is you . Labels: i really miss primary school .
hi .
nothing to say . today's kinda boring . ain't looking forward t tml . i haven't done hmwk ! :0 haah , shall take my time . ohh & , CHANGHUI I KNOW YOU'RE IN MY BLOG . DON'T SPAM PLEASE . i said please . okay, bye :D Labels: la to th luna(: Sunday, August 9, 2009
![]() ![]() HAPPY NATIONAL DAY ! (: haah . tell you th story later . let's start , woke up 7plus yeah . bathed :D i'm a clean person . thn got ready , went t church . wore blue even though it's national day . joined main service today . thn went fr lunch w/ shermaine :D i dunked mashed potato in her pepsi , cause she poured 3/4 of her pepsi in my cup D: haah , thn she mixed . was so disgusting . went arcade and played th candy thing . th one where you scoop th candy and see if you can get any . we got quite abit . heeee .(: damn happy okay . th chewy popsicle is niceeee . i let her have th yupi gummy thing . i'm oh-so kind :D lols , self-praise . thn went home D: mummy rushed me ! ): thn lazed around , had pizza fr dinner . ltr going airport t send brother off . he's going t brunei . aww , lols . he ain't gonna bathe fr 9 days . go survive in th jungle :D haah . heng i don't need go NS .(: { ohh , visit chloe ong's blog ! we've got th same pair of sneakers :D , but my shoelaces are white D: ![]() ain't he hot ? lols :D Labels: never say never . Saturday, August 8, 2009
all hail PATRICK ! (:omg , i soo love this skin :DDDD patrick is cute . haah . damn happy nw . lols , yes i'm weird . Labels: new skin
alright ,
i'm updating :D fr two days . yesterday & today . ----------------- Yesterday : was on time :D was national day celebration . thn was dismissed at 9:55am . half day :D actually wanted t go w/ alicia & pearl they all , to sentosa fr cycling . but , went w/ jaslyn & chenwei instead . quite fun uh :D met their friend , Athena { i think . ;x ps , idk th spelling . she's chinese . watched UP . rocks :D at vivo , walked arnd . thn went t meet deanna , love . :D i love LOVE ! haah , tht's wht she said . joker sia . anyway , we were late . cause we took bus frm th wrong bus stop . how " clever " . haah , funny . thn had training . :D went sengkang fr dinner , alone D: thn mummy picked me up from compass , went t church . church was awesome , as always . ------------- Today couldn't wake up today . hoho . went fr chinese tuition . thn went fr lunch at east coast , buffet . 1/4 of it , i was alr bloated . D: not really nice food though . in fact , i don't like it . thn walked fr abit , & came home . :D no guitar today D: Labels: funny stuff . Thursday, August 6, 2009
hi .today was somewhat fun . nt to mention tiring . alright , so lessons on thursday are awesome . well , much better than those on th other days . except friday . i love friday , cause there's PE . & we get t go home early :D but tht's nt th point . th point is .. today is awesome ? couldn't wake up agaain , was like struggling to get up . well , at least wasn't as late as yesterday . thn had lessons . blahh , i didn't do hmwk again . was chionging all th way , hand damn suan . thn crapped , was very funny :D & last period , th sipei they all acted out one skit , very funny . & SIPEI SANG . omg lah . thn had lunch . well , accompanied pristine they all t have lunch , thn went w/ love to badminton :D training was alright , fun ! damn happy today . -inserts wide smile- ;D tml's national day celebration , hope it's not lame . aft tht going training . omg . but i kinda like training :D yes , crazy . ---------------- now , this is fr hunney . :D hunney is oh-so awesome . hunney is oh-so cute . hunney is oh-so funny . lols . hunney , remember tht time , we took th wrong bus & got lost ? it was kinda scary , but was funny too . & th times we crapped , had fun , you cheered me up . i love those times . ;D but , i love hunney more . haah !(: Labels: hunney hunney ;D Wednesday, August 5, 2009
D: suddenly i feel so depressed .. i want t let it all out . but i don't knw how . Labels: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD;
alright .
hi . today was oh-so funny . in fact , th past few days have been funny . i sooo love this school . okay , i sooo love my friends in this school . ;DD well , i was almst late today . 7.10am , guess where i was ? clementi station . yeah , another five minutes , i wld be late alr . haah , funny . assembly was just plain bullshit . lessons were boring . as usual . but crapped alot . danced some funky dance w/ jaslyn :D don't knw why today suddenly so crazy . dance infront of teacher smre . i shld stop these kind of crap . haah . went fr lunch w/ liang le , at anchor . she is damn fun t talk t kay . ;D thn bus-ed home . we overshot & went th wrong way . ;x hais , i have this ache in my stomach , tht whnever i sneeze , it wld hurt . D: ohh , & lots of hmwk t catch up on . one whole stack on my table right now . shall do slowly . (: - i am guai . Labels: my days are getting better . Tuesday, August 4, 2009
rawr !hihihihihi(: today was much better , i brought name tag . i didn't get upset , even for a moment . which is awesome . hunney kissed me on th cheek :DDD badminton was somewhat fun . okay , morning . sec 1s had t stay back fr don't knw wht . went t see mrs gan aft tht . thn had lessons . new teacher fr physics , cause mdm tham won't be in schl fr th whole of this week . thn crapped w/ laopo & lollipop . thn was mdm wong's period . history . blahblahblah , but she didn't teach . she bombarded us w/ an assignment . omg lah . alot of work okay . thn had early recess . aft tht was english . lollipop broke a window pane . cool huh ? laughed like crazy . had art , painting agaain . got my shirt dirty . -AGAIN ! D: thn was math . relief teacher abit weird ? took pictures w/ many ppl . just felt like it . hahah . surprising . thn went dawson fr lunch w/ laopo . went bck fr new south wales , math . wtf lah . anyhw do . thn went fr badminton . we practically crawled on th carpark floor okay . wth , so dirty . squat & crawl across th whole carpark . thn back . thn got jump rope , cones & stuff . tiring , but funny . hahah , ltr ppl in th car see we all do liddat . homed w/ rena . we missed two buses . aren't we pro ? Monday, August 3, 2009
wahh ,today was screwed like some crap . didn't bring name tag , tie , plant , didn't do hmwk , didn't study fr test , hoho . can die . but heng , miss ho didn't come fr class . mr pang did instead . omg lah he . buey tahan okay . anyway , nagged like some piece of shit . like my father liddat . thn today mdm wong was damn uptight sia . laughed like crazy . thn she was like , " CHLOE , WHAT'S SO FUNNY !? " i don't knw wht t reply , so anyhw say , " i don't know . " thn she suddenly diam leh . lols . thn she panicked over some name . we used fr example , thn she was like , " WHO IS HANA ? ISSIT A TEACHER'S NAME !? IS THERE A HANA IN OUR CLASS !? " omg funny . laughed like nobody's business . thn had other classes . blahblahblah . had assembly . i bought new tie , cause my old one broke in pieces . ohh , & i kissed hunney on th cheek ^^ i feel oh-so awesome ? hahah . thn aft schl , went dawson fr lunch (: was late fr CCM , but who cares . went running aft tht . with , huilin , xuanlin , deanna , zhiyin & caroline . & there was this prefect named leon ? he got twin leh . DAMN COOL ^^ alright . thn homed w/ xuanlin :D she is oh-so awesome ! hahah ! --> crap , i got flu . sneezing like nobody's business . consider an mc ? (: Sunday, August 2, 2009
today , was fine .
much better . joined th main service . hannah's brother got baptized ! (: ain't tht cool ? had lunch at mac . had spend time , & went arcade . homed , w/ nicole sim <3> Labels: i don't regret (: Saturday, August 1, 2009
Hey guys ,i've deleted all my posts . i'm starting on a whole new chapter . i shall hold no grudges , bear no hatred . but i need t clear sth up . yes , yesterday was th most horrible school day i've experienced so far . i didn't pinch you or whtever on purpose . i didn't even realize i did until you said so , & i've apologised , i'm sorry . but if you don't want t believe me , there's nothing i can do . perhaps , aft holidays , i've changed ? there's sth wrong w/ me . perhaps , i'm a burden . sorry fr flaunting my anger yesterday . well , there's one piece of very good news . DEANNA'S BACK BABEH ! (: my feelings are fading , do you notice tht ? |