Hi nincompoops,
decided to get rid of my music, cause i realized tht people usually stop it frm playing .
aww, hahah .
alright[: , shall update fr th whole of yesterday, abit of today & abit of my upcoming stuff .
i think it'll be a rather long post, with me blabbering like this.
Yesterday :
had chest pain & muscle ache . horrible start .
Was really late . everyone was at th hall alr .
oh, mdm wong tripped over some guy, epic .
received th class tee, nt really wht i imagined .
but it's alright . haah, but sth bothers me .
- th bee . ): why does it have a mouth !?
anyway, went fr PE . did th dance .
not bad, but mr harrie's ideas are lame & he wants us to do it .
wow, we're gonna make a fool of ourselves .
oh well, shall be humiliated as a class then .
thn had science, was boring . ms ang went through wrkbook, just did some while she was going through . mdm tham took our books & didn't return ! hw
responsible of her .
thn ms ang sucked up our recess time, by discussing th cards fr our teachers, which pissed most of us off . anyway, jaslyn & i are making fr mdm tham .
okays, thn had recess . i think my stomach has sth against mixed rice food, everytime i eat it , i get an upset stomach .
oh, thn was history, but mdm wong changed it to english cause we were badly behaved ?
thn was mother tongue . got caught fr copying . fuck myself .
thn had to write 20 of each word/phrase/paragraph . so total wld be like a 100 words/phrase/paragraphs . thn was english . didn't pay attention ..
thn went to find deanna & zhiyin . & huilin came along :D
thn had lunch , had mixed rice again . yes, i got an upset stomach aft tht but who cares .
thn went to see if xuanlin was dancing but no, huilin had no time either .
rushed to spottishwoode fr match, & good heavens they came late .
but they { th small guys } are damn cute :DDDDDD
i lost all -.- i lost th worst, to a plump but cute guy . william seah , lols !
looks are deceiving . oh well,
thn coach was nice enough to give us chocolates ! whooo .
thn played awhile befre heading to 7-eleven , planned wht to bring on tuesday & stuffs .
thn went outram with zhiyin , thn to sengkang - alone .
thn had carrot cake fr dinner , lols . mom picked me up & went to church .
was prayer night . they prayed fr a very very very long long long long long time . almost fell asleep . kor, lucky you didn't come . if you did, i think you would be grumbling/sleeping while they prayed . hahah ! thn went with mentor fr further praying . lols .
thn went & chatted with ruth . :D we made a pact to have dinner together on next next friday .
& perhaps th following one too . idk . & shermaine got m&ms , i was stuffing them into my mouth cause i had to go alr . hahah , she said i ate like some glutton but i don't care . it's chocolate :D
then went home, bathed, phoned, slept . (:
Today , & some of next week :
lols, okay .
woke up rather early , parents made alot of noise .
wtf -.-
oh, freshened up & went downstairs fr breakfast .
thn went to tuition , was fun .
will be going fr guitar class later & idk , maybe dinner with my mom - agaain .
well , monday , i'll be going back to primary school .
& tuesday , east coast fr training . omg , k . shall have ample rest .
brother's coming home tml morning . like 5am .
so have to sleep early tonight . :D will pick him frm airport tml .
tiring . T.T
ohh people ,
please please please please please please please please please please please please ,
come to my church this friday :DLabels: oh-so tired