Things fall apart , so that other things can fall together .
Things fall apart , so that other things can fall together .
Screams |
Sunday, August 16, 2009
hi . [:today , woke up early . cause father woke me up to ask a stupid question . wtf, thn bathed . got ready . went to church . slept late last night , so this morning was damn tired T.T thn had headache & felt like vomiting sia . i was like , afraid i wld vomit in class . but didn't :D , felt better after that . thn had lessons & stuff , game wasn't nice at all . ]: was some quiz & was mixed up . anyway , had skit too . funny . hahah . wasn't in it [: YAY ME ! - clapsclaps - thn went compass with shermaine :D had kfc in th end , agaain ! wah , i knw . sian . but had chicken [: two pieces . very funny sia . shermaine : erm . can i have th two piece chicken meal . & i want th breast meat . thanks . LOL lah . he was weird . but i got thigh in th end . much nicer than breast meat :D hahah ! in your face , shermaine sim ! anyway , went arcade , played th candy machine thing agaain . :D i love that thingy ! thn got many sweets . haha . robbie let us use his card :D thanks ! thn went bck fr spend time . quite short uh [: wheee ! haha . thn went back church , fooled around in th bus . o.o robbie's iphone have a lot of cute games :DDDD I LIKE ! haha , thn went 2nd lvl chui air-con . shiok wor . thn went upstairs to play badminton awhile . thn 3plus , went with neal , isaac , jonathan to spc . thn take bus to compass . no , not jonathan lo th white chicken . LOL . on th way , isaac went home luhs . oh , thn timothy called . hahah , funny . jonathan go scare him . thn took bus with to bedok with them . thn saw mentor on th way , SHE TOTALLY DIDN'T SEE ME LA . lols . thn trained home . damn long ride sia . but today was fun overall . :D Labels: freaking CCM go die ): |